Random notes. Unorganized thoughts. Not an article.
Was attempting to learn to React a couple of months ago and got really frustrated at the progress I was getting. Realized I was in an awkward situation where my English and Chinese abilities were both below average (compared to natives) and noticed I learned better when I could read at my own pace and that I preferred English material. I guess it was the way the information is presented affects how engaged I am, recent months playing around on Brilliant has proved this. C as Carbon or H as Hydrogen is easier to remember than 碳 or 氫 for chemistry, or O as the opposite side or A as the adjacent side for trigonometry… anyway, life is random and whatever happened, happened.
Decided to take a step back and return to the basics in order but needed a more structured and efficient way to cover all the material needed. Flavio’s tutorials and ebooks came up and he was really good at explaining key concepts. Feels like magic when you read and a random question pops into your mind and the explanation is the next sentence… then again the official react tutorials were pretty good too. I feel sorry for the friend who was attempting to teach me React in Chinese but I was overwhelmed with work and other stuff in life that I decided to take a break.
After some time playing around with Brilliant it felt like time to start again and this time nail the missing pieces, here goes. Week 1.
Every week has a video that explains what we need to do and have modules that we need to go through. Sometimes it’s not about whether we understand the material already but lacking ways to communicate what we think we know. I like to think of this as a refresher. The good part about using text is that with video there’s always an urge to play it at a faster speed thinking that I’ll cover more in less time and sometimes I just end up not understanding a whole chunk. Anyways, trying to be as transparent as I can here.
Drinking tea today.
Great expectation setting, being very clear on what this is and not about. I was sold on this quote he wrote on some other blog post (I think). “Consistency without burnout.” This has become my number 1 priority the last couple of years after losing some close friends and realizing how life can take a toll on your no matter your age, gender, social status, education level… so “Consistency without burnout” really spoke to me. Atomic habits talks about this as well. So he writes here, that from scratch what you need is patience, dedication, time, and consistency. So true.
I still find it crazy how well he explains things without jargon.
Quote. “Programming is defining what the app should not do.” This is so true for many other things in life…
Ah yes, he mentions different programming paradigms. I used to feel a bit left out when I couldn't join in the conversation about whether oop or functional programming is better in a certain case lol. He writes “…the favorite approach can also be influenced by the status quo, or what the market prefers…”
Just found out about CodeMiko… so cool.
Since we have our own personal link we can click on checkboxes if we finish a certain part. Seems like an easy enough implementation.
Most of the stuff this week is pretty standard. Wireframing, stakeholders and requirements… etc.
Ok. Some main concepts refreshers. Week 1 done.
The website changes every Tuesday and he is slowly building the whole system as the programs continue. Interesting. Just like Kk and Huli. I wonder how much is automated.
I need to find another place that’s not medium to write in peace.