Chunhao Weng
2 min readAug 31, 2021

Random notes. Unorganized thoughts. Not an article.

“An endpoint is a unique URL we will call to create an operation.”

“Using environment variables for those sensitive information is the best way, because we cannot even commit them by mistake.”

“the best way to perform load testing is on a staging replicate of your production environment”

“REST is a de-facto architecture standard but it actually has no specification and tons of unofficial definitions. GraphQL has a specification draft, and it’s a Query Language instead of an architecture, with a well defined set of tools built around it (and a flourishing ecosystem).”

“GraphQL is a perfect fit when you need to expose complex data representations, and when clients might need only a subset of the data, or they regularly perform nested queries to get the data they need.”

Just realized I’ve always misunderstood the meaning of ad-hoc lolll

Ad hoc literally means “for this” in Latin, and in English this almost always means “for this specific purpose”. Issues that come up in the course of a project often require immediate, ad hoc solutions.”

API keys…

“In the simplest setup, you can add it before the node or nodemon command you used to start the app:”

